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Conformation Standards

Standards Include:

  • Webbed Paws

  • Athletic, Muscular Build

  • Heavy Bones

  • Medium Size

  • Balanced and Powerful

  • In Conformation Events, the Toller is required to have tolling ability and hunting skill, physical faults will be heavily penalized so will, black, silver and grey pigments, buff will also be immediately disqualified

  • Feathery Fur and Feathery, Constantly Moving Tail

  • Soft Undercoat

  • Fox-Shaped Head (Not a requirement, but is desired).

  • Almond Shaped Eyes

  • Flesh or Black Coloured Nose

  • Any black in coat, buff colour or buff and white highly undesirable

  • Springy, Energetic Gait

  • Tail MUST Reach Hocks

  • Pads MUST Blend Into Coat Colour

  • Strong Swimmer, Retrieves Dead and Wounded Birds

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