Ageing System: 8 weeks = 1 sim year
Foundation Dog starting age: 2 years
1 Sim Month: 5 Real Days
About Us
We train and breed the best Tollers around!
We train our Tollers in Hunting Trials, Show, and more! They receive discipline when needed and are well behaved. They are raised in the house and are our cherished family members. They are bred when they reach physical requirements such as learning tricks, hunting successfully and for their traits and quirks.
We opened up in 2018 January and did not become official with the SIKC until I felt like the kennel was good enough. We at first did Simsonien Dogo De Budos but we then felt they weren't good enough so we moved on to Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers. We aim to breed dogs for health and work ethic so our dogs have strong working drives.
About The Owner
I opened his kennel when my beloved Toller Maxwell died at the age of 12, I had adopted him from the local shelter when he was only 3 months old, my parents bred and showed Clumber Spaniels so we had a small kennel out back but I was never interested in Clumbers so my parents agreed to let me have a pet dog. I have done some junior handling for my parents but I forced myself to look happy with the dogs. When I finished university, Maxwell and I moved to a nice small cottage near the coast and him and I were so happy together until one day, I came back from volunteering at a local shelter and saw Maxwell breath his last. Since that day, I felt it was my job to endorse the breed. I then worked as a vet for 5 years until I could afford a kennel, my parents supported me greatly and gave me a large loan. the kennel went through 6 remakes until I finally settled with a design. Once I had imported 3 lovely Canadian Tollers, I was all set, after hiring some staff the kennel was done. I was still determined to show other sims how amazing Tollers are by joining up a near by Toller Club and do some research about the breed with them. I felt so proud the day I was made the Breed Club Leader for Tollers. The typically focuses on working lines and rarer breeds but we will occasionally bring in some show lines.